Saturday, December 01, 2007

Challenged... these days

These days, life is somewhat... exhausting...

This morning, when the alarm bells hit five, I could hardly reach out to touch the off-button...

I literally had to boot myself out of the warm futon, as there is work to do, even on a Saturday...

But still, life is wonderful...

I am saying this as I sit at my desk, listening to some amazing songs on the radio...

Ahhh... so agreeable to the senses...

But yes, life is indeed challenging...

Or, as Malaysians would know by now... very 'chabar-ing'...

‘Pantang’ or otherwise, as a faculty member in a university, I am perennially chabar-ed by my students...

At the outset, I can't be feeding them half-past six lectures, as it would eventually boomerang back to my face...

On an equally significant front, I am presently being chabar-ed by my superiors to do something that go against what I believe in...

But thank god, here at my office, I have the humble radio to offer me solace...

Life is indeed, my dear friends... very chabar-ing...

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