Summer is in full swing here in Japan...
Temperatures hover around 35 degrees and it is quite stifling, actually...
The vegetable gardens in the neighborhood are thriving...
And, my sweeto haato continues her walks amidst the neighborhood gardens, meandering herself along the paths in the hills...
And once in a while, she receives some nice gifts from the farmer-neighbors... this time, cucumbers, zucchini, green peppers...
For the past few years, the local Honda car salesman had been sending me a pot of (normally, tropical) flowers for my birthday...
I had purchased our Honda CRV from him years ago, and had been sending the car to his workshop for maintenance all the while...
Each time, the plants die out when the cold comes in...
With this pretty hibiscus, think I'd plant it somewhere and hope it will survive the cold...
Was invited by our next door neighbor to visit her maternal home in another part of town...
Purpose was to pick up some firewood but there wasn't much...
Was an old farmhouse with orange grooves, rows of blueberries, vegetables patches, an irrigation pond...
Ate some watermelon (yellow and red)... and was offered these asparagus by her younger sister whose husband is a professional asparagus farmer...
These asparagus were huge... over 30 cm long... and they tasted good...