Once or twice a year, my
sweeto haato visits her mum and stay for a few days...
I am always happy to see that they enjoy each others' company during such occasions...
For those few days, I am left to my own devices with regards to food...
The shot below shows yours truly trying to steam some stuff...
Brown rice and sauteed
daikon (radish) which was actually pre-prepared by my missus...
And fish, yellow-tail... with vegetables at the far left... my 'original'...

During one 'lonely' weekend, attempted to cook some soup...
The lazy way, actually, where I can literally throw any ingredients I wanted into the iron pot (dutch oven)...
I did this outside, in the garden...
I put in too many ingredients... tofu, mushroom, carrot, garlic, potatoes, onion... more than 10 different types...
(When my missus returned and saw this picture, she couldn't help exclaiming
hidoi... iro ha nai... oishiiso ja nai... (translation: terrible... no color... doesn't look delicious...)

And while sorting out the photos, I can across this shot...
Yaki-meishi kai ankake... or fried rice with bamboo-shell clam gravy...
Cooked not by me but by my
sweeto haato...
Compared to the rather bland concoction in both taste and appearance that I had churned out, it is times like this when I am reminded of my lucky stars to have someone cook so well for me...